“Learning is always rebellion… Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before.” ~Margaret Lee Runbeck

Outside (PE/Negotiation)

New Revolutionary Books (Oh the many trips I make to the library per week) (Literacy/Community/History) & here is a great article on Making History Relevant!

Taking Care (Compassion – Lucas and Izzy giving a helping hand to our observation -Lukas – today and Timmy taking care of his little sister so sweetly when she was missing mom)

Flag Making aka Flag Factory (Art/History/Geography)

Olympic Games (History/Current Events/Sports/Literacy/Art)


Noisy Cats (Imaginative Play/Negotiation)

Work Shop Computer Chip/Take Apart/Jewelry Making

Everyday Math (Yes we have math books but we do not work in them on a daily basis, there are so many other ways that we approach math, ways that are manipulative based and a part of our everyday life and woven into the current project. It makes so much more sense when you use it to find the answer to something you are wondering about in the world)

Nora in Math Contemplation:

Shape Bingo (Geometry)

Explode the Code (Literacy)

Cursive Writing (Literacy)

Handwriting Without Tears (Literacy)

More Flag Making and our Vocabulary can also be found at the CSWS Studio Blog (Art/Literacy/History/Vocabulary)

Hillside (PE/Botany/Geology)

Word Lists – Bryn and Hannah ask to do this throughout the day including Open Classroom Time (Literacy)

K’nex (Dexterity/Art/Engineering/Manipulatives/Negotiation)

And finally…The Rebellion:

The first to defy…The first to die…

Give me liberty…Or give me death…

Over & Out!